Thursday, April 28, 2011

Marry a girl filled with the Holy Spirit

In response to “Date a girl who reads” I have this to say:

Marry a girl who is filled with the Holy Spirit.  The girl who spends more of her time working on her inner beauty instead of worrying about her outer beauty.  She has a problem with storage space, as in, no place to store up anger, fear, envy, anxiety, resentment, or any other type of baggage.  Marry a girl who has a list of qualities she would like to see more of in herself, who has made a commitment to the Lord to grow and give good fruits.
Find a girl who is filled with the Holy Spirit.  You’ll know that she is because she is the one who is prudent about her appearance, discreet in her speech, and wears a joyful smile.  She’s the one who extends her hand out to those who need guidance and prayer, the one who cries for the lost souls, the one who cries out in favor of the church of God.  Do you see the girl who is evangelizing the poor, the suffering, the sick, and the imprisoned?  That’s her.  They can never see someone who is suffering without stopping what she’s doing in order to give words of comfort and hope. 
She’s the girl evangelizing while waiting in line at the supermarket, the coffee shop, the bank.  If you take a peek at her handbag, you will find invitations and fliers to the church.  She lives in the spiritual world, she does not see a rude woman who just cut in front of her in line, she sees someone who is so stressed out she can barely keep it together, someone who needs a person to talk to.  Talk to her, she will have words of encouragement to give you as well.
Buy her a book by her favorite Christian author and not another handbag, she will thank you.
Let her know what you read in the Bible recently.  Share your thoughts on the verse and ask her to share hers.  Understand that if she says she needs to grow more in the Holy Spirit, she is being humble. 
It’s easy to marry a girl who is filled with the Holy Spirit.  But the hard work comes in maintaining the marriage year after year, through whatever comes, growing stronger together.  Know that if you do marry her, she will be the greatest blessing you can receive, aside from the Holy Spirit himself who dwells within you as well.  Give her the gift of understanding, of patience, of love which will never grow cold.  Let her know that you understand that love in itself is an emotion, but the act of love will never waver, will never die.  It is the constant self-sacrifice that allowed her to receive the Holy Spirit in the first place and she wouldn’t want to let Him or you go.  Understand that she will always fight against the devil and that as a team in the kingdom of God, you are in the battle as well. 
Don’t lie to her.  The alarms will go off and she will know that if you can lie to her, then you can also try to deceive God and you are now unsuitable for her.  Her relationship with Him is first and foremost and she would rather that you left her than losing her place in the kingdom of God.
She will know that you are not perfect, it is a daily growth toward perfection, but she will not despair when she finds fault in you.  She is not perfect either, she is not on the lookout for your faults, and she looks inside herself always. 
Why be frightened of who you are?  She understands that you are human and prone to weakness.  Acknowledge them and move on, beginning again the next day.
If you find a girl you like who is filled with the Holy Spirit, and you marry her, keep her close.  When you find her awake at 3am, praying and searching for the Holy Spirit, join her.  You may lose her during her time alone with God, but she will always come back to you, refreshed and ready to give more.  She’ll share the richness of her communion with God and be the blessing in your life once again.
You will propose to her when both of you are ready to take that leap of faith.  It doesn’t matter where or how, she will focus on you instead of the place.  But still, a nice restaurant will do better than an alley next to a dumpster, be careful with her, she is a jewel in your hands. 
You will be so happy that you will thank God and give Him praise for allowing such a lovely woman into your life.  You will begin your journey together.  She will introduce your children to Jesus Christ the day they are born.  You will walk the path set forth by God and she will hold your hand through whatever problems arise. 
Marry a girl who is filled with the Holy Spirit.  Not because you deserve her, but because God created her for you and you for her.  Marry a girl who will add to your life and not subtract from it. 
If you want to enter the kingdom of God, be filled with the Holy Spirit all the days of your life and marry a girl who will not be a rock in your path, but a faithful helper along the way.

by your servant in Christ,
Carol Vizcarra

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My apologies for not having posted anything new, I have so much good stuff piled up, ready to post on here, but the translations for church have taken the top spot on the priorities list.  I hope that soon I either organize myself in order to have time to do this or I just throw the laptop out the window.  Either way, I will let you know what I'll do.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Obreros Feos No Pueden Servir en la Obra

Puede hasta parecer extraño el titulo de este mensaje, mas lo que vamos a hablar no es sobre la belleza física.  Hablaremos sobre la belleza espiritual exigida por Dios para aquellos que quieren hacer Su Obra.  Para comprender mejor, lo invito a leer los siguientes versículos, entonces comprenderá lo que, realmente, Dios tiene para enseñarnos.  Recuerde que aquello que El hablo con Moisés en el pasado, aun se refleja en nuestra vida espiritual hoy en día.
“Porque ningún varón en el cual haya defecto se acercará; varón ciego, o cojo, o mutilado, o sobrado, o varón que tenga quebradura de pie o rotura de mano, o jorobado, o enano, o que tenga nube en el ojo, o que tenga sarna, o empeine, o testículo magullado.”  (Levítico 21: 18-20)
Vea que en este versículo bíblico, el Señor prohibió que las personas con defectos sirviesen como sacerdotes.  Vamos ahora analizar estos defectos mencionados en la lista de Dios, dejando de lado la cuestión física y usando los ojos espirituales:
CIEGO No sirve para la obra.  Para ser buenos obreros, necesitamos ver con los ojos espirituales.  Recuerde del caso del siervo de Eliseo, que entro en casa gritando y diciendo: “¡profeta, estamos cercados por el ejercito del enemigo!”.  ¿Y que hizo el hombre de Dios?: Oro, y dijo “Señor, abra los ojos de este muchacho para que vea.” “y he aquí que el monte estaba lleno de gente de a caballo, y de carros de fuego alrededor de Eliseo.” (2 Reyes 6:17)  Por eso que un buen obrero necesita ver con los ojos espirituales, no puede ser ciego.
COJO Es aquel que es manco.  Y quien es manco, no anda al mismo ritmo que los demás, anda quedando para atrás.  Por tanto, Dios no puede usarnos si estamos cojeando por la vida.
ROSTRO MUTILADO Se refiere a como debe ser el semblante de alguien que desea servir a Dios.  Infelizmente, muchos aun no entendieron que una sonrisa en el rostro y un semblante amable valen más que mil palabras.  Pues, las personas llegan a la iglesia cansadas y decepcionadas con el mundo; maltratadas por los problemas y oprimidos por el diablo, y a veces, encuentran obreros y pastores con la cara cerrada, rencorosos y preocupados con sus propios intereses.
DESPROPORCIONADO   Desproporcional.  La persona que tiene una actitud exagerada- en el hablar, en el comportamiento, en el modo en que se relaciona con la familia y los amigos, en la forma que se viste, etc. Es causa de escándalo. 
PIE QUEBRADO  ¿Que acontece con el que tiene el pie quebrado?  No queda de pie, ¿no es verdad?  Existen muchas personas que quieren hacer la obra de Dios, pero tienen el pie quebrado, no quedan firmes.  O sea, están aquí, después mudan para allá, aparecen y después desaparecen… “Así que, hermanos míos amados, estad firmes y constantes, creciendo en la obra del Señor siempre…”  (1 Cor. 15:58)
MANO QUEBRADA Quien tiene la mano quebrada no puede agarrar nada con firmeza,  Y la obra de Dios exige fuerza de voluntad y garra.  
ENANO Es aquel que no desenvolvió su estatura.  Así son muchas personas que están en la Iglesia, espiritualmente hablando son como enanos, pararon de crecer. 
NUBE EN LOS OJOS, O QUE TENGA SARNA O EMPEINE En nuestro mirar, nuestro semblante, debe reflejar al Señor Jesús.  Usted puede ser serio, pero no arrogante; puede ser sonriente, pero no escarnecedor; puede reprender, pero con amor, nunca con odio.  Elimine de su vida la arrogancia, la falsedad, la envidia, el miedo y la inferioridad.  Su semblante será mucho más suave.
TESTICULO QUEBRADO  Que significa ser incapaz de reproducir.  El buen obrero es aquel que hace discípulos.  Tiene que ser reproductivo, un ganador de almas.  El buen obrero atrae la atención de las personas y todos quieren imitarlo por su buen procedimiento.
Delante de estas calidades, es bueno que usted desee hacer la obra de Dios, o que hasta ya la está haciendo, cuide bien de su apariencia interior, para que Dios pueda usarlo/a cada vez mas. 

Fuente: Obispo Julio

Thursday, January 13, 2011

In the Potter's Hands

In the Potter's Hands by Assistant Chris Grazielle.
She has a wonderful blog, which is why I decided to share a little bit of what she writes.

You are a servant.  Nobody forced you, you made this choice out of love.
You now want to do more, you want to be more utilized, be a better servant, be more of a servant.  You do what you can and all that is asked of you.  Even then, you feel as though you have not done enough.  You want to do more.

You must now be thinking, how does she know this?

The true servant is not happy by doing the minimum.  He wants to serve, he wants to help others, he wants to share what he has been given.  

Now you come to realize that you can also do more, that you can allow yourself to be molded and shaped; it is now time to put yourself in God's hands.  Putting yourself into the fire so that you may be molded, only those who are of God are not burned.  At that moment you are totally depending on God.

“Go down to the potter’s house, and there I will give you my message.” 3 So I went down to the potter’s house, and I saw him working at the wheel. 4 But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.5 Then the word of the LORD came to me. 6 He said, “Can I not do with you, Israel, as this potter does?” declares the LORD. “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel." Jeremiah 18: 1-6

Just like the pot in the hands of the potter, so are we in the potter's hands.  Few people are humble enough and strong enough to put themselves into the fire.  They are not afraid because they know that great men and women of God are formed in that fire.  They grow, mature and learn by being in the fire.  You grow closer with God, and, consequently you learn to depend on Him.

We are molded and perfected.
The hotter the fire, the more we will shine.
The greater the battle, the greater the victory.

I can only guarantee one thing:  If you are rejected by everyone, He has promised to never reject you.